Video Game Nasties


Fallout 3

Bethesda Software’s gritty tale of life after a nuclear war, Fallout 3 was at first refused a classification by Australian censors. The board’s problem with the game wasn’t its bloodthirsty violence or gore. No, it was the ‘visual representation’ of in-game drug use.

The developers were accused of portraying drugs in Fallout 3’ s world far too realistically; featuring cut scenes that show a variety of druggie paraphernalia – syringes, pills and whatnot. In particular, the game references morphine, which the player can use to increase their tolerance to pain. The Australian government however, wanted ALL references to morphine taken out, fearful that Antipodean society as we know it would collapse overnight.

After receiving the thumb’s down from down under, Bethesda went back to the drawing board. A revised version of the game was released worldwide, minus the offending drug scenes.

